A new character has joined the heroes of Triamore covenant—or has at least been following them around for a few days. His name—Wart—is almost as obscure as his origins, but he is hardly the first ragamuffin to seek a home in the forgiving shelter of Hermetic society. (Truth be told, there is some clue to his history in the constant hint of tannery odor that seems to follow him everywhere.) Wart does not yet enjoy the same regard as his more veteran covenmates, so to rectify that he tells following tale in his own words.
It all started on a foul foot when the doxy with the Frenchy way of talking let a plague victim fall on her. Good fortune I was there to save her with my handsome new spear. The big fellow with the shiny sword helped.
Truth, this is a strange group of folk. One is this man who mumbles and thinks he can talk to animals and foolery. Everyone says he is a maggot or something. Another is a knight in mail who hits me whenever I go near. He is good with his sword though and he’s really noisy so he is great to hide behind because no one can hear me. Also there is the doxy (such is what my old master would have called her) and she has a woman with her they are both gorgeous but I think the doxy has mistaken me for someone called Hunculous or monkulous. Every time she sees me she points and shouts it and then gabbles away in her gobbledy-gook. She talks a lot as well, she never stops. She is also really good to hide near. There is another fellow in a cloak as well. He is a little creepy but at least he is quiet. I think the doxy and the big fellow with the sword like each other. My old master reckoned it was a sure sign of love if two people were always arguing all the time. The big fellow has something wrong with him because he talks in gobbledy-gook as well, but it is not the blather of the Normans but something else even harder to understand.
Anyway after we rescued the doxy from the dead man with plague they stuck her in a cell. It was the nicest cell I have ever seen with a carpet and everything. It was not too cold and there were only a few rats. So that is what the cells for the ladies and lords are like.
Anyway in the morning she still didn’t have plague so they let her out. Her and the fellow that mumbles went to the library. They have so many books. I’m sure they wouldn’t miss one or two.
Eventually we went off to the forest again following the stupid dog that used to belong to the huntsman, who was the man with the plague. We must have walked forever. Occasionally the strumpet would shout “munkulous” at me then the big fellow started sniffing everything and people made me go away as if I smelled. I don’t smell of anything. The other lads at the tannery never complained.
I found the trail for them but did they say thanks? Poxy nobles. Eventually I led them to a hole in the ground that had a big box for putting people into made of stone. Someone had dug the person up and everybody got nervous. Not me though. I think they need me to inspire them to acts of bravery. After that the doxy and the mumbler went back to the library again.
Now we’re looking for somebody’s trembling house and some stranger named “aaagh” or “yurgh” or something else dumb. I’m not really sure though, for they never really explain anything to me. But also, there is some Count hiding soldiers in the woods and giving villagers money and everybody thinks he’s going to attack the castle. Nobody has told me how much he’s paying though. The big fellow with the shiny sword thinks that the lord Count is going to attack the castle. He didn’t last night though.
Oh I almost forgot. They brought me a crossbow and I have my own spear and boots!!! Truly this is a place of riches.
Certes, that is all that happened—or all I can remember.
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Session was Friday, 9 May 2008
Present for this session: Dan, Dave, Emma, Kate, Patrick, Tammie.
Here is the experience earned by each character in this session. As always, let me know if you have any questions!
Discovering the secret messages of the Three Sisters stones: 150 XP
TOTAL: 150 XP per character
Five things few people know about Wart—but many might suspect:
• He was a thief in his youth, but was caught. He then passed into indentured servitude.
• He worked briefly in a lead mine, but escaped. The experience left him with wheezy lungs.
• He also worked at a tannery, which left him with no sense of smell.
• After escaping his last master, he has worked hard to keep a low profile at Triamore—not easy, given his rather strong "presence."
• He thinks the name Homunculous sounds very grand, and is thinking of making it officially his.
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